AusDM 2017
Data Mining,
Yee Ling Boo, David Stirling, Lianhua Chi, Lin Liu, Kok-Leong
Ong, Graham Williams (editors), Communications in Computer
and Information Science, Volume 845, Springer, 2018. 15th
Australasian Conference, AusDM 2017, Melbourne, VIC, Australia,
August 19-20, 2017, Revised Selected Papers.
AusDM08 |
AusDM07 |
Data Mining and Analytics 2007, Peter Christen, Paul Kennedy, Jiuyong Li,
Inna Kolyshkina and Graham Williams
(editors), Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2007). CRPIT. Volume 70.
Gold Coast, Australia, ACS
AusDM06 |
Data Mining and Analytics 2006: Proceedings of the
Fifth Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM2006), Peter
Christen, Paul Kennedy, Jiuyong Li, Simeon Simonoff and Graham
Williams (editors), CRPIT. Volume 61. Sydney, Australia, ACS |
Advances in Data Mining: Theory, Methodology, Techniques, and
Applications, Graham Williams and Simeon Simoff
(editors), State-of-the-Art Survey, Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence, Volume 3755, Springer, January
2006. This collection brings together the very best of the
papers from the Australasian Data Mining Conference series.
Proceedings of the 4th Australasian Data Mining Conference,
Simeon Simoff, Graham Williams, John Galloway and Inna
Kolyshkina (editors), 5-6 December 2005, Sydney,
Australia. Held in conjunction with the 18th Australian Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 2nd Australian
Conference on Artificial Life.
Proceedings of the 3rd Australasian Data Mining Conference,
Simeon Simoff and Graham Williams (editors), 6-7 December
2004, Cairns, Australia. Held in conjunction with the 17th
Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the
7th Asia Pacific Conference on Complex Systems.
Proceedings of the 2nd Australasian Data Mining Workshop,
Simeon Simoff, Graham Williams and Markus Hegland
(editors), 8 December 2003, Canberra,
Australia. Held in conjunction with the
2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation.
Proceedings of the 1st Australasian Data Mining Workshop,
Simeon Simoff, Graham Williams and Markus Hegland
(editors), 2 December 2002, Canberra, Australia. Held in
conjunction with the 15th Australian Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence.
Further information from the AusDM Steering Committee via sc@ausdm.org.